Center for Loving-Awareness

The psycho-social-spiritual services of Sitaram Dass (Kenneth Sandin, LCSW)

A unique psycho-social-spiritual education and healing center based out of Eugene, ORCurrently offering telehealth therapy to Oregon and California and spiritual coaching worldwide

When we come together to open the heart, we help each other create space for that Ineffable, Transformative Love to emerge.

Online Therapy
verified by Psychology Today

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Center for Loving-Awareness

The psycho-social-spiritual services of Sitaram Dass (Kenneth Sandin, LCSW)


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Center for Loving-Awareness

The psycho-social-spiritual services of Sitaram Dass (Kenneth Sandin, LCSW)


(Kenneth Sandin, LCSW)

I believe that we are already whole, and our innate wisdom is best accessed when we feel safe to be seen, share and reflect. At the Center for Loving-Awareness, we work to let go of our inner struggle, and we allow our innate wholeness to be held and expressed in Loving-Awareness.

I specialize in grief work, person-centered, existential, spiritual, and transpersonal therapy, psychedelic preparation and integration, and mindfulness-based approaches to mental health. In my work I bridge modern, evidence-based strategies with ancient, time-tested practices.

I have a wide-ranging experience in places like hospices, mental health centers, meditation halls, prisons, and homeless shelters, and I spent 3 years in intensive study with my meditation teacher, Ram Dass, in Hawaii. My MSW from Cal Poly Humboldt specialized in the decolonization of social work.

Humans are relational beings. We need each other. Therapy is a space where we can heal, grow, reflect, and access a deeper and more authentic part of ourselves. This allows us to continually calibrate our life in alignment with our deepest-held values.

Besides psychotherapy and individual coaching, I lead retreats, workshops, devotional chanting, and meditation, and I am the director of the Sacred Community Project, a non-profit service collective dedicated to "lowering the barriers of access to contemplative and devotional practices." Through these endeavors, my central aim is to help awaken and cultivate Loving-Awareness. Learn more about my spiritual work at

  • Mindfulness-Based Coping (anxiety, depression, and chronic illness)

  • Integration (transpersonal, psychedelic, spiritual)

  • Self Compassion

  • Inner Freedom

  • Grief Work and End-of-Life Care

  • Healing Trauma

  • Transformative Ecstasy

  • Daily Practice

  • Anti-Oppression

  • Loving-Awareness

Center for Loving-Awareness

The psycho-social-spiritual services of Sitaram Dass (Kenneth Sandin, LCSW)


Loving-Awareness is our true nature. Deeper than the mind, body, or sense of self, Loving-Awareness shines through when the mind is unencumbered from clinging and past conditioning.Every sensation we experience, every concept in our mind, and even our idea of being an individual are still happening inside our awareness. We are the ocean, and each thought, emotion and sensation in this sea of experience are waves that rise and fall.And this awareness is naturally loving. This is why Ram Dass coined the term “Loving-Awareness” to describe this. This is what I learned from his presence, and it shapes my core psycho-social-spiritual perspective. I lived with him for over 2 years, and in that time I saw first hand that Loving-Awareness is real. Whether he was lecturing on stage, at the dinner table with friends, or alone in his room, Ram Dass rested in and acted from a place of love.I have been to many trainings over the years and am well-versed in the best evidence-based practices. I see Loving-Awareness as an overarching organizing principle that these various methods nest within, and it is also the foundation of my interspiritual stance.

There are awareness practices, and there are love practices.Awareness practice involves releasing clinging in the mind, softening rigid thinking, increasing emotional awareness, feeling and re-learning safety in the body, and returning to the present moment. Most of us have inner critics that constantly berate us. What if we could learn to see that inner voice as just a thought? What if it lost its power over us?Love practices are when we actively cultivate the heart. This can include the appreciation of beauty, reconnecting to love in a relationship, processing grief and loss, or practicing gratitude, self love and compassion, loving-kindness, religious devotion, or acts of service. It also involves connecting to our core values- how do we want to show up in the world? What are the values that we want to guide our behavior and life decisions?Through cultivating Loving-Awareness, not only do we release suffering and move towards values-congruent living; we also grow into ourselves in a deeper, softer, and more authentic and satisfying way.


  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

  • Mindfulness-Based CBT

  • Parts Work

  • Somatic Psychotherapy

  • DBT

  • Mindfulness Meditation

  • Contemplative Practices

  • Self Inquiry


  • Gratitude Practice

  • Appreciating Beauty

  • Metta (Loving Kindness)

  • Interpersonal Love

  • Self Compassion

  • Inner Child Work

  • Spiritual Devotion

  • Prayer, Mantra, Ritual

  • Values Identification

  • Meaning, Purpose, and Service

  • Grief work


Interpersonal relationships can be abusive, and even the most healthy relationships can have power imbalances. In the same way, in our global human family, we live in a world with deep power imbalances and systemic oppression. Loving Awareness is not something that we just do on a personal level.On a community and global level, it becomes a practice of Sacred Community. The Center for Loving-Awareness is a member of the Sacred Community Project, and we share a common set of core values and vision:

Sacred Community Project Member

Our core vision is a world of Sacred Community, where interdependence is valued over individualism, truth over manipulation, caring over exploitation, presence over distraction, and where an expansive, all-inclusive Love joyously welcomes all Beings into Its warm embrace.For this to come to fruition, we believe we can no longer separate the systemic, the communal, the relational, the personal, or the Sacred. These are interwoven and mutually-dependent threads forming the tapestry of Sacred Community.

The Center for Loving-Awareness strives to cultivate cultural humility and an anti-oppressive stance in everything we do. This is necessary due to the systemic nature of suffering, which includes the impact of classism, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and colonialism.

Center for Loving-Awareness

The psycho-social-spiritual services of Sitaram Dass (Kenneth Sandin, LCSW)


The Center for Loving-Awareness is a unique psycho-social-spiritual education and healing center in Eugene, OR.A physical center is in the envisioning phase, and it currently exists online through the therapeutic and spiritual services of Sitaram Dass (Kenneth Sandin, LCSW).

  • Transpersonal Therapy

  • Spiritual Coaching

  • Grief Counseling

  • Mindfulness Instruction

  • Public Lectures

  • Workshops

  • Retreats

  • Kirtan and Ritual

Learn more about Sitaram, his practice frameworks, rates, and insurance options at the links above.

Center for Loving-Awareness

The psycho-social-spiritual services of Sitaram Dass (Kenneth Sandin, LCSW)

As the director of the Sacred Community Project, Sitaram Dass works to lower the barriers of access to contemplative and devotional practices. The majority of his offerings, including workshops, events, media, and retreats, are donation-based. He also offers a limited number of donation-based individual spiritual support sessions through the Sacred Community Project.He accepts the following insurance, and his standard out-of-pocket rate for individual therapy and private coaching is $140 a session. Please contact about rates for other services.

  • Medicaid (Oregon)

  • Medicare (Oregon)

  • Aetna

  • UnitedHealthcare

  • Optum

  • Oxford Health Plans

  • Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon

  • UMR

  • Oscar

  • Harvard Pilgrim

  • MagnaCare

  • Meritain

  • Nippon

  • Surest

  • Pacifc Source

Center for Loving-Awareness

The psycho-social-spiritual services of Sitaram Dass (Kenneth Sandin, LCSW)

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation call

Center for Loving-Awareness

The psycho-social-spiritual services of Sitaram Dass (Kenneth Sandin, LCSW)

Have questions? Reach Out

Center for Loving-Awareness

The psycho-social-spiritual services of Sitaram Dass (Kenneth Sandin, LCSW)


Guided Meditation from Sitaram Dass

Loving-Awareness Practices

Loving Awareness Practices from Ram Dass

Jack Kornfield

Sacred Community Project

Loving Kindness Practices

Mindfulness and Acceptance Practices

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy practices (from Portland Psychotherapy)

Mindfulness and Acceptance Practices


Self as Context


Self-Compassion (from Kristin Neff, PhD)

Article about self compassion and change

Self Compassion break

Treat yourself as a good friend

Self Compassion Practices

(707) 502-2833